Sunday, January 13, 2019

What Are The Top Urological Conditions That Affect Men?

According to the experts from the best hospital in Kolkata men in recent times are suffering from several urologic disorders affecting the parts such as urinary tract or the reproductive organs. Hence treating such urological conditions at the early stages has become mandatory. Read on to find some of these urology issues that are affecting men.

Incontinence: Though this is common among ladies, this issue can be glimpsed in men too. This condition leads to leakage of urine due to the loss of bladder control. It can happen at any time causing a mental embarrassment and inconvenience to most men. It can be seen commonly among patients who have diabetes, urinary tract infections, and spinal-cord injuries and so on.

Kidney stones: Kidney stone is commonly seen among men. These stones are noting buy deposits of salts in kidney and the other parts of urinary tract system. These stones can block the flow of urine and can cause severe pain. If untreated, this condition can become fatal. Medical specialists at salt lake city hospitals have enough experience in treating all kinds of disorders that affect both urinary and male reproductive system.
In general, urological issues make men suffer more than women. This is mainly due to the interrelated systems such as the urinary tract and reproductive organ through the penis. Treating these urological disorders at their initial stages can make men to live a comfortable life, even in the sun-setting ages. Irrespective age, it is always wise to have a periodical check when men cross forty years.

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